What is out INTENT for PSHE at Woodheys?
The teaching of PSHE is a fluid subject that is taught as and when appropriate, although we have a clear whole school overview of the topics and objectives we plan to cover this academic year, they are by no means the only time we will teach PSHE in our classrooms.
We want to develop the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) understanding and we will respond to the needs of the children, the needs of our class and our external environment accordingly through circle time, assemblies or group work for example, throughout the Early Years to Year 6.
Throughout the year, we also celebrate key ‘awareness’ PSHE dates through whole school assemblies and within our classes. We would like to see what this looks like in practise across the school, how it is recorded and how children are responding to the sessions. This will be done through discussions with departments and pupils across the school.
Overall, we want to equip the children at Woodheys with the knowledge and skills to guide them through life. Our aim is to help these young people to become successful and happy adults who make a meaningful contribution to society.
Progression map of skills and vocabulary developed from EYFS to Year 6