

During playtimes we encourage the children to be active and provide a selection of resources for them to use independently. The main emphasis at playtime is fun and enjoyment however children are observed using and practicing skills and techniques that they have been taught during PE lessons.



In Key Stage 1 they have chosen 4 playground friends from Y2. Their role is to manage the equipment during playtimes. They help and support the younger children and also check that the equipment is being used properly. At the end of play they check that all the equipment has been brought back to the trolley and that it has been put away correctly.




During playtimes we encourage the children to be active and provide a selection of resources for them to use independently. The main emphasis at playtime is fun and enjoyment however children are observed using and practicing skills and techniques that they have been taught during PE lessons.



In Key Stage 1 they have chosen 4 playground friends from Y2. Their role is to manage the equipment during playtimes. They help and support the younger children and also check that the equipment is being used properly. At the end of play they check that all the equipment has been brought back to the trolley and that it has been put away correctly.